2018 SONA

Every month of July, Our President will deliver his SONA or State Of The Nation Address. This year, in the month of July, President Rodrigo Duterte delivered his third State Of The Nation Address in the House of Representatives complex in Constitution Hills, Quezon City. His speech is a key instrument in summarizing his plans or accomplishments to the Nation until the end of his term. SONA, the most awaited event in a country because the speech involved informs about a condition in a certain country. It is a speech that we must need to hear and listen. All aspects of the government is being discussed in here.

During the president's 48 minute expletives-free speech, he began to emphasize his commitment to the nation's challenge. During his long-term speech, he concluded that human lives is more important than human rights. This eye-catching part of his speech made every individual be overwhelmed with amazement. His plans concludes about the nation's future not it's present. In this case, reaction's are tolerated. A lot agreed with his speech while others do not. Many give positive feedbacks while others give negative feedbacks. We, humans have the trait of judging someone's actions yet it is very challenging to rule a country and acting as a president like him especially when hindrances are very common  which minimizes his works of improving his country present and future. We must appreciate the president's work because he worked hard for this not only for the country but for the sake and future of his countrymen as well.


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