ReSiLiEnCy Of FiLiPiNoS

Philippines, a southeast asian country located at the Pacific Ocean and Ring of Fire and considered to be the top five countries vulnerable to climate-related disaster is at risk at disasters like earthquake, volcanoes, tsunamis, typhoons and many more. A lot of us live in poverty and when disaster hits our country, it causes great collateral damage and possibly even great loss of life. We must accept the fact that disaster is like a part of our life because we don't have complete control of the time where the disaster will actually happen so that's why we must be disaster ready. But how Filipinos deal with certain disasters.

We Filipinos do not easily give up in some certain problems. The only problem that we are being prevented for being disaster-ready is that we are lazy at preparing our things to face the disaster and also being hard headed by which we rejected the authorities who are keeping on advising us to stay away from the danger zone of a certain disaster such as volcano eruption. That's why the government are conducting programs and activities so that it will help us and also give us lesson in times of disaster happening in our country. Being disaster-ready is very important to us so that we are fully prepared and also we will know how to cope certain challenges or problems we meet in case a disaster hits our country.

We all know that recovering from a disaster is not that easy and it will take some time to recover a certain disaster depending on how heavy the damage it caused but, we must be fully aware and be fully prepared to minimize a lot of property damage and also to reduce loss of life.


  1. Nice article. The only thing I have a problem with is your title.


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