No More To Drugs

Dear President,

  One of the main problems in our country is drugs. It is the main reason why a lot of people are being killed, arrested, get rich and have their lives and dreams wasted because of this. What is the main reason why a lot of people use drugs?                                     

    There are a lot of reasons, one reason is they use this for business purposes. Drug dealers get rich every time they have their hands on drugs especially on huge amounts. they sell their drugs to users by which they gain a lot of money from here but sometimes they get caught by police who are disguised as a buyer. There is an operation called "Buy Bust Operation" by which police are disguised as buyer to arrest their main target. another reason, they use this to forget all of their problems. A lot of people use these to forget all of their problems but, what did they didn't know is that it also give bad side effects to users when frequently use. Examples of its side effects are paranoia, addiction, a lot of mental illnesses and others. Lastly, they use this for supporting their family's needs. They sell drugs and gain money from it because they are experiencing financial problems and that they are forced to do this job just to support their family's needs and to pay debts.

   As a student Mr. President, i suggest to remove the law of killing drug users who wanted to change their lives and attitude and that i also imply that they will be rehabilitated instead so that they will grasp the chance of changing their lives.

Sincerely yours,


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